To establish a bond,
What does it mean to you?
When you are born, you are connected to your mother with an umbilical cord, and when it is cut, our lives begin to connect with life.
And the rest of our lives continue for this reason…
Even though the umbilical cord to your mother has been physically cut, you have already established the entire genetic connection with your mitochondria.
The rest of our lives are spent establishing connections or trying to establish connections with every environment and situation we are in.
When we start school, we try to establish a bond with our teacher and with our deskmates the moment we sit down. If that bond is strong, we feel stronger and more secure. However, when we cannot establish that bond, we feel lonely, weak, and like a weed. It even becomes much more likely that we will be subjected to peer bullying.
Starting from the moment we are born, we establish many different bonds in every environment we are in. We tie knots to some of them, thinking they will be stronger…
Then we break, or want to break, some of our ties to be freer, some to move forward, and some to establish roots where we want to be.
“It is hard to break,” said Nietzsche . “It is painful to cut off a bond. But soon a new wing grows in its place.”
Those wings become our most beautiful treasure in our journey to find our purpose in life, feeding our continuity and hope. They enable us to move forward, to discover new places, new paths, new people or to realize what we see while we continue on our way saying that life goes on. Most importantly, they help us get a little closer to ourselves and our soul.
Those who do not notice their emerging wings may enter a state of action that loses hope. Then, it can create a state of extreme independence and not needing anyone. “You give up on trying to connect with the belief that no one really cares about you and that you will eventually be abandoned…
This is the well of those who do not notice their wings. From that well, it is possible to see the person, situation or developing magical signs that reach out to you. However, you can only achieve this if you believe in miracles or yourself…
I wish you a life where miracles come true and you witness magical moments.
With love,