Waytogo Blog

Priority Area

Today I decided to do something for myself. I realized that I had been going back and forth between coaching…
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Time for Change

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity,” said Albert Einstein.  We all do…
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Productivity Guide

Productivity is the most effective and efficient use of available resources to achieve a specific goal. An important concept in…
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See Your Own Colors

“Nobody sees me, my manager doesn’t even know what I do.” “I am the one who does the most projects…
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Do you know yourself?

To Know Yourself or Not to Know Yourself, That’s the Question Do you know yourself? Or how well do you…
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In July, we traveled to Rhodes, one of the Greek islands, with my son. Since everything that is different has…
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Healthy Life Coaching

Before reading the article, take a moment or two to think about what “Health” means to you. What is the…
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CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN ECONOMIC BOTTOM THROAT “Concordat” is a terminology that we have been hearing a lot in the news…
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CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN ECONOMIC BOTTOM THROAT CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN REAL LIFE Crisis Management , which is summarized in general terms in…
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